Friday 30 October 2015

Photoshop Tutorial

We were given the task of editing an image to give it another feel or match it's atmosphere to a specific genre. For mine I wanted to give it a more Gothic/Horror/Thriller feel to it and did this by playing around with the colouring (e.g. turn up the blue and turn down the greens). After adjusting the exposure and lighting I found certain areas were way too dark and lost a lot of detail; to fix this I erased the first layer to reveal the background and hopefully brighten parts of the image (the top especially). To a certain extent this worked, but the bricks still appeared very dark and I could not do too much else without altering the rest of the image. Also as a result of editing the image gained a pre-rendered look to it as the lighting looks almost too warm and added in afterwards. This allows me to be a lot more creative in post production and artistically create an atmosphere or specific look artificially.



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